split second research neuromarketing company

WAPS is a Word Associtations Production Software.

The way we define which attributes to use in an implicit test is through (a) looking through our huge database of attributes, (b) discussions with the client and (c) by searching for relevant sites on the internet and applying our WAPS tool. 

This can take one or more website addresses and crawl through counting the words used on the site. It can also search subdirectories of the website or analyse text pasted into the textbox. The output is a frequency table and a word cloud (the frequency is represented by size of the word). 


Great things can happen in a split-second

Fill out an enquiry form and start to see what we can do for your brand.

Alternatively, please email Geraldine Trufil at info@splitsecondresearch.co.uk
or call: +44 (0) seven eight seven 8 four double five 9 double four

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Our blog

Why do market research?

Why do market research?

Danielle Blugrind, in an interview with Kadence International, gets it spot on when talking about reasons for doing market research.

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Geraldine Trufil Research Hero Split Second

Geraldine Trufil is an MRS Research Hero of 2024

We are delighted to announce that Geraldine Trufil, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of Split Second Research (SSR), has been recognised as one of the Market Research Society’s (MRS) Research Heroes for 2024. Geraldine was nominated due to her exceptional work across numerous projects with Split Second Research with a particular focus on her client-first approach.

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