
case study: price promotions coca cola brand perception by split second research

Implicit Case Study: How Price Promotions Impacted Coca Cola’s Brand Perception

Neuromarketing Implicit Association Market Research Case Study: How do different price promotions affect Coca Cola’s brand perception? Split Second Research reveals the answer. The Challenge Coca-Cola have historically been resistant to promotions for fear that they can adversely affect their brand.  However, Coca Cola’s previous market research and planning had suggested that consumer behaviour in Greece …

Implicit Case Study: How Price Promotions Impacted Coca Cola’s Brand Perception Read More »

How does an implicit reaction time test work?

The commercial test is itself based on the evaluative priming paradigm in academic research (e.g., Fazio, et al., 1986)1. The first phase of the test is to detect target emotion words as belonging to either one category (e.g., Happy) or another (e.g., Sad).  On each trial in this first phase, the word appears and the respondent has to press one key for happy words and another key for sad words. This is a very easy task, and respondents can do this very quickly with few errors.

implicit research platform IMPRESS

Implicit Research in a Split Second with our IMPRESS Platform

The IMPRESS platform is used for implicit research in creating implicit reaction time tests in market research and for other research areas too, such as voting preferences, and social attitudes like racial bias, gender bias, and so on. Online, objective and cost-effective, implicit tests capture immediate, and intuitive responses to brands, packaging, product claims, advertising evaluation, brand tracking, brand positioning, new product development, and a vast array of other marketing related outputs.

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